Error Models

class py_qcode.ErrorModel(prob_op_list)

Wraps a list of tuples corresponding to a discrete probability and an operator. This assumes independent identically-distributed noise, though not necessarily Pauli.

Parameters:prob_op_list (list) – A list of probabilites and associated operators. The probabilites are floats which must sum to 1 to within 10^{-12}. The operators are represented by strings which must be drawn from the list of acceptable operators [‘I’,’X’,’Y’,’Z’,’H’,’P’] Each pair (a probability and its associated operator) is stored in a tuple.

Pre-defined Models


The depolarizing model applies the identity with probability 1-p, and each of the single qubit Pauli operators X, Y, and Z with probability \dfrac{p}{3}.

py_qcode.iidxz_model(px, pz=None)

The independent identically-distributed X/Z model applies a bit and phase flip to each site, resulting in a reduced probability of Y errors

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